Workspace ToolBox

The toolbox feature is located in the upper right corner at the opened workspace, which helps users manage passwords, email, notes, notifications, to-do list, view browsing history and download list.


  • Notes: if the toolbox is active, on the right side of browsing at notes tab there is possibility to note anything of your mind at the opened Workspace.


  • Profile: if the toolbox is active, on the right side of browsing at profile tab there is possibility to keep the personal information at the opened Workspace.


  • ToDo list: if the toolbox is active, on the right side of browsing at this tab there is possibility to create as many queries as the user will need and mark them as done or not at the opened Workspace.


  • Diary: if the toolbox is active, on the right side of browsing at this tab there is possibility to create your diaries with the actual time and date at the opened workspace.


  • Password Manager: if the toolbox is active, on the right side of browsing at this tab there is possibility to manage your passwords using a local password manager.


  • History: if the toolbox is active, on the right side of browsing at this tab there is possibility to view your browsing history with timestamps.


  • Downloads: If the toolbox is active, on the right side of browsing at this tab there is the possibility to manage your downloads.


Last time modified: 22-09-2022