Edit Resource

There are three places where you can edit resources using the same steps:

➢    At Workspace Editor;
➢    At Screen Editor;
➢    At running Workspace.

  1. In the Workspace Editor, move the mouse cursor on the resource which you would like to edit below the Workspaces, when the mouse cursor is over the resource, two buttons will appear: Edit and Delete.


  2. Click [Edit] button by the resource which you would like to edit.


  3. Modify Resource dialog appears. Replace the fields with your settings and click the [OK] button.


    ★ Cancel - to cancel modify action;
    ★ Name - Specify the resource name. The resource name can be up to 40 characters long, resources cannot be created with the already existing names at the same Workspace;
    URL - specify resource web site;
    User Agent - specify User Agent if needed.
    Group - select Group from the list where to move resources. 'No Group' means that no group will be assigned;
    Use Custom Script on Page Load - turn on custom JavaScript feature;
    Test - to test entered custom JavaScript.

  4. Resource successfully edited.

Last time modified: 22-09-2022