Navigating in Workspace

BricoBrowser uses buttons for navigation and control on the right mouse click at the opened tab.


➢ The Back and Forward buttons allow you to move through pages you have recently viewed;
➢ The
Reload button will reload the current page. If a website stops working, try using the Reload button;
➢ The Open link in new tab button will open the link in the new tab;
➢ The Copy Link URL button will copy the hyperlink to the clipboard;
➢ The Find button helps to find various entered queries on an opened website;
➢ The
Copy button will copy the selected data to clipboard;
➢ The
Paste button will paste the copied data to the input field;
➢ The Save Page button will save webpage in *.mthml format.
➢ The
Print button generates .pdf file of opened website;
➢ The Copy Image button will copy the image to the clipboard;
➢ The Copy Image URL button will copy the image hyperlink to the clipboard;
➢ The Save Image button will save image in appropriate format.

Last time modified: 29-03-2023