Create New Resource

There are three places where you can create resources using the same steps:

➢    At Workspace Editor;
➢    At Screen Editor;
➢    At running Workspace.

  1. In the Workspace Editor, click [Add Resource] button next to the desired Workspace.


  2. Add New Resource dialog appears. Fill up the required fields with Your data and click [OK] button.


    Cancel - to cancel creation action;
    ★ Name - Specify the resource name. The resource name can be up to 40 characters long, resources cannot be created with the already existing names at the same Workspace;
    URL - specify resource web site;
    User Agent - specify User Agent if needed.
    Group - select Group from the list where to move resources. 'No Group' means that no group will be assigned;
    Use Custom Script on Page Load - turn on custom JavaScript feature;
    Test - to test entered custom JavaScript.

  3. New resource successfully added to Workspace list.


Last time modified: 22-09-2022