Import exported data

The Import feature allows users to import all workspaces, screens, proxies from the exported file. Note: feature available only for Basic and Professional license users

  1. In the App Settings, click on Import/Export tab. An extra 2 tabs appear: Workspaces, Screens, Proxies


  2. Click [Import] button.


  3. Select the *.bex file which you would like to import to the BricoBrowser and click the [Open] button.


  4. Confirm the duplicate names confirmation message if there are any duplicate names. Click [OK] button. 


    ★ Cancel - to cancel import action.

  5. All data from the *.bex file successfully imported to BricoBrowser. Objects with duplicate names have been deleted. Click [OK] button to close the message.


Last time modified: 23-09-2022